Julien Vandecasteele

Business relations

In the coming year, we are once again joining forces of a unique team to pursue a greater purpose together. As part of this innovative project, I can release my irrepressible curiosity and competitiveness in a competition that surpasses everything.

Gradually, we will learn from successes and setbacks, and then overcome new barriers. Because experience is the best teacher, I will gladly take this experience to later finish my studies, as a commercial engineer.

With a healthy entrepreneurial spirit and unmatchable enthusiasm, the solar team focuses on promoting sustainability and renewable energy. Surrounded by industrial and civil engineering students, I want to enjoy a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, so that I can maximally commit myself to the team and improve my hard and soft skills.

It will be an enlightening step towards a later, professional career. Be ready to embrace new opportunities!


Julien Vandecasteele

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